Drama (Bimonthly) No.3 2024(Vol.215)


The Development of Quyi Discipline and the Construction of the Chinese theatrical


An Interview with Hao Rong, President of the Central Academy of Drama…………………………………………………………………… Hao Rong Zhou Quan 1

Mimesis and its Influence on Ancient Greek Artistic Creation……………… Li Yongyin 21

Two Ideographic Forms of Speech: How Dramatic Narrative Achieve the Purpose of

“Narration”……………………………………………………………………… Yuan Guoxing 32

Cultural Community in Dilemma: “Post-realism” in American West Asian Plays………………………………………………………… Guo Yingjian Zhang Chengwen 42

Conclusion of the Tradition: Crisis of Cultural Community in Anna in the Tropics, a

Contemporary Cuban American Drama……………………………………… Liu Xianghui 58

Exploring Community and Sisterhood in The American Left-wing Jewish Theatre;

Focus on Alice in Bed…………………………………………………………… Wang Kai 69

Negative Affect and the Reconstruction of Affective Community in Satellites…………………………………………………………………………… Zhang Guoqing 80

A Second Discourse on the Aesthetics of Shadow Puppetry Art…………… Ma Guojun 90

The Origin of Asian Shadow Theatre………………………………………… Zhou Junjie 101

A Brief Discussion on Chinese and Japanese Ghost Mask…………… Quan Xiaofang 109

Recently Uncovered Yuanben Mural of Yuan Dynasty and its Historical Value………………………………………………………………… Yan Baoquan Chen Feng 122

Guilt and Divinity: Analyzing “the Episode of Polyneices” from Sophocles’ The Oedipus

Coloneus………………………………………………………………………… Zhang Xing 134

Construction of Dystopian and Eruption of Imagination:Edward Bond’s Theatre-inEducation………………………………………………………………………… Zhang Qing 146

Cultural Capital, Consumer Motivation and Consumer Loyalty of Chinese Urban

Theatre…………………………………………………………… Chen Shiguo Huang Jiajia 157

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