Drama(Quarterly) No.4 2012(Vol.146)


Enlightenmentor Aesthetics:Theatre Development in the New Era………XuZhen

A Note onthe Central Issue of the “Unities”     …………………     Zhang Di

Illusionand Audience Response in Shakespearean Theatre  ………Luo Chengyan

Awkward Greetings:Strindberg’s Plays in China 1920-1930 ………..Cao Nanshan

Sea and Island:Generation Conflicts in Riders to the Sea          ……Zhang Zhi

A Brief Look at Late TwentiethCentury Latin American Theatre

                          …………………Mao Pin

The Performativeas Subject of Theatre Science: Erika Fischer-Lichte’s

Asthetik des Performativen            ……Torsten Jost trans. by YuKuangfu

Intriguing Encounter: Brecht among ChineseTraditional Theatre

Professionalsand Scholars                          ……Zou YuanJiang

Translating and Staging Brecht in Japan   ………AkibaYuichi trans. by Li Wanru

Brecht on Latin American Stage         ……Satomi Mitrans. by Ran Xiaoqiao

Brecht Craze and Aftermaths           …………………………ChenShixiong

Journeys of Two Old Uyghur Folk Plays in

the Yellow River Cultural Regions             …………. RexidingSilayi

The Impact of Ming Operatic Excerpts

on the Evolution of the Jing Role                         You Haiyan

Taboosin Nuo Dances in Guichi Region             ………………He Genhai

Legends of Avalokitevara in Shadow Puppetry……........ Li Long & Kuang Yiyun

Imageries ofMusic, Dance, and Play in

Song, Liao and Jin Archeological Remains                  .......Gu Li

ScenePainting: Practices and Reflections       ..…………… Zhang Qingshan

2012 International Stage Design Students’Works Expo      ……… SunDaqing

Editor-in-Chief                   Liao Xiang Hong

Executive Editor- in- Chie f         ShenLin

Editors                         Xu Jian, Liu Xiaocun

The Central Academy of Drama

39 Dong MianHua Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100710, China

Tel. 0086 1064056580

Email: xuebao@chntheatre.edu.cn,zhongxixuebao@gmail.com

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