Drama(Quarterly) No.3 2012(Vol.145)


Depicting the Image of the New Country:

A Research on the 17-Year Patternof “Socialist Theatre”………………Shen Yan

Drama andRevolution:

A Research on the Phenomena ofDrama in the 1960’sand 1970’s…Guo Yuqiong

AResearch on Chinese Modern Drama Troupes:

Expansionand Breakthrough of the Research on Drama History ………Mu Hailiang

Integration and Initiation:

A Review of the History of Education in Dramafor Children in Taiwan…Chen Xiru

The Roadto the Conception of the Director…… G. Tovstnogov trans. by Tong Ning

The Post-dramatic Theatre and thePost-modern Philosophy:

On the Theoretical Foundation of Postdramatic Theatre…………… Kong Ruicai

The Management of Non-profit ArtOrganizations in UK and its Inspiration:

Takingthe Regularly Funded Organization as an Example………Zhou Zhengbin

The Choice in a Dilemma:

Onthe Cultural Strategy of the Zoot Suit inChicano Drama………Tu Shali

On the Forms of the Performance of “PuppetClown” in Gaojia Opera…Wu Huiying

On the Existence and Development ofTraditional Drama in the Visual Threshold of Ming & Qing Fujian FamilyCulture …………………………Yang Lixia

On the Legitimacy of the Narrative Arrogationin Yuan-zaju……........ Gong Dequan

The Logic of Neo-Confucianism and theJustification of Yuanqu…Zhen Hongyong

On Zhang Juzheng’s Assumption of Power andthe Derision of Him in TheFour Dreams of Tang Xianzu ...........................Liu Jianming

The Original Form of Mao Qiling’s Ni-Lianxiangci ..…………… Zhang Xiaolan

The Design of Lighting for Chinese LiveLandscape Performances...... Wang Yugang

Editor-in-Chief                 Liao Xiang Hong

Executive Editor in Chief         ShenLin

Editor                        Xu Jian, Liu Xiaocun

The CentralAcademy of Drama

39 Dong MianHua Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100710, China

Tel. 0086 1064056580

Email: xuebao@chntheatre.edu.cn,zhongxixuebao@gmail.com

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