Drama(Quarterly) No.4 2007(Vol.126)


Recourse to Tradition on the Postmodernist Stage……………Zhang Kang-mei  5

Colors in Costume       ………………………… Zhao Wei-yue  17

Use of Vocal Music in Speech Training  ……………………………  Li Min  26

Origins of the No as an Art Form……………………………Teng Jun  35

Eulogy of an Out-of-Time Loner: Postmodernist Features of Jean-Luc Lagarce

………………………  Gong Bao-rong51

Discarded Poetry about Desire: The Devolution of Tennessee Williams

……………………  Liang Chao-qun  38

TennesseeWilliams’ Humanism as Is Witnessed in his Dramatic Works

          ……………………Li Lin  67

Self Searching in Wendy Wasserstein’s Five Major Plays ………He Anfang  70

“Cao Yu Craze” in Yan’an and other Communist Bases

during the Anti-Japanese War      …………………………Cao Shujun 62

The Life and Work of Wang Yun……………………………………Deng Dan  75

Metamorphoses of the Story of Ying Ying and the Confucian Sexual Morals

……………………………………  Zhang Weijuan  82

Gems of Vagrant Players’ Art: A Unique Phenomenon of Folk theatre            

  ……………………………Bai Haiying  94

Histoire d’amour (repérages) ………Jean-Luc Lagarce/Gong Bao-ron (tr.) 120

Les Règles du savoir-vivre dans la société moderne

……………………………Jean-Luc Lagarce/Gong Bao-ron (tr.) 129


Executive Editor in Chief         Shen Lin

Editors                        Huang Jue   Zhao Zhiyong

The Central Academy of Drama

39 Dong Mian Hua Hutong, East District, Beijing 100710, China

Tel. 0086 10 64056580,  0086 10 64013687

Email: xuebao@chntheatre.edu.cn, xijuxuebao@yahoo.com.cn

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