Drama(Quarterly) No.3 2009(Vol.133)


Nationalist Sentiment and Romantic Spirit of Chen Quan  ……. Kong Liuhui

Earlier Theatre in the Liberated Areas                  ……. Jia Jichuan

Impact of the Traditional Theatre on Spoken Drama       …… Bao Jianqiang

Notes on zheng, the King of Qin                       ……Huang Weiruo

Property and Love in The Merchant of Venice             ……Zhong Ming

Harold Bloom’s Shakespeare                         ……. Zhang Longhai

Philosophy, Poetry and Symbolism in Ibsen             ……  Ding Yangzhong

Training of Yueju Opera Players in Migrant Troupes      ……..  Huang Wei

From a Folk Piece to a Classical Episode:

The Case of Stirrings of Earthly Thoughts           .……  Yang Qingfan

The Force of Lightness: Ghost Plays of Beijing Opera    …….   Hu Die

A Survey of Research on Luan Zhou Shadow Puppetry   …….   Zhang Jun


Executive Editor in Chief         Shen Lin

Editors                        Huang Jue   Zhao Zhiyong

The Central Academy of Drama

39 Dong Mian Hua Hutong, East District, Beijing 100710, China

Tel. 0086 10 64056580,  0086 10 64013687

Email: xuebao@chntheatre.edu.cn, xijuxuebao@yahoo.com.cn

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