Drama(Quarterly) No.2 2011(Vol.140)


Evolution of Indigenous Musical Theatre Genres:

A Case Study of Ge Zai Opera…………………………………Chen Shixiong

Ouyang Yuqian’s Efforts to Build a Modern National Theatre…..Chen Jianjun

Media Image of Traditional Chinese Operas in Contemporary China

   ……………………………………………………………………Zhang Yanmei

A Reflection on Debates about the Idea of Theatre in Recent Years……Xu Zhen

Some Thoughts on Current Creation of Musicals in China……………Man Xinying

Action versus Reaction: A Philosophical View on Social Performance Studies

………………………………………………………….………….Sun Huizhu

Changes of Socio-cultural Mentalities as Presented in The Wilderness……Wu Ge

Pedagogical Model of Acting-Directing 4-Year Bachelor Program

in the Central Academy of China: 2002-2010…………………………..Ding Ruru

Color Plates in a Ming Dynasty Printed Copy of The Romance of West Chamber

……………………………………………………………………Liu Yuansheng

A Further Note on Guo Tu ………………………………………………………………Qin Xueren

The Role of Fu Mo in the Song Dynasty Zaju-opera……………Wang Longlin

The Relation of Roles and Characters and the Formation of

Narrative Strategies in Chinese Traditional Operas……………Cao Shenggao

Terrace, Gou Lan and Storied-Stage…………………………………Cao Fei

“Masters-and-Servants”, Strangers and Partners: Evolution of

Playwright-Director Relations in the 20th Century France ……….. Gong Baorong

Site Specific Performance in the West: An Introduction  ……..     Li Qian

Sartre’s Philosophical Conception of “We” as Seen in

The Respectful Prostitute    …………………………………………..Chen Xi

Editor-in-Chief                 Liao Xiang Hong

Executive Editor in Chief         Shen Lin

Editor                        Huang Jue

The Central Academy of Drama

39 Dong Mian Hua Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100710, China

Tel. 0086 10 64056580

Email: xuebao@chntheatre.edu.cn, zhongxixuebao@gmail.com

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