Drama(Quarterly) No.4 2011(Vol.142)


On The Cherry Orchard ……………………………………………………Peng Tao

The Dream and Reality in Bulgakov’s Plays…………………………Zhou Xianglu

From “Vampilov School” to “New Drama”: On the Starting Point and Evolution of  

 Contemporary Russian Drama ………………………………………Wang Shufu

From Idealism to Negativism: Nora’s Transformation ……………………Liang Fei

Robert Wilson’s Art and Politics: The 1960s and After

  ………………………………………………Maria Shevstova, trans. Huang Jue

The Classical French Tradition: Contradictions and Contributions

   ………………………………………Michel Saint-Denis, trans. Zhang Nan

Restoring the Wholeness of Human Body:

 Notes on Culture is the Body by Suzuki Tadashi ……………………Zhou Xiazou

The “Emancipation Plays” in the Liberated Areas…………………Cheng Juanjuan

Dramas in China during the War agaisnt Japanese Invasion…………… Zhang Hua

Eugene O’Neil on the Amateur Stage in China: Performance in Interweaving

 Cultures and Modernization of Chinese Theatre............................... Zhu Xuefeng

Role-acting, Irony and Utopia in Ding Xilin’s Comedies................. ........Han Chen

Inconsistency in Traditional Chinese Theatre as a Result of Limits of Aesthetic

 Thinking: A Case Study of Peony Pavillion by Mei Lanfang

………………………………………………………………Zou Yuanjiang

Notes on 2011 International Stage Design Students’ Showcase and

 Workshops ……………………………………………………………Sun Daqing

Notes on “Translife: International Triennial of New Media Art”………Li Mingtao

The 2nd World International Festival of GATS: A Summary……………Liu Xiaocun

Editor-in-Chief                 Liao Xianghong

Executive Editor in Chief         Shen Lin

Editor                        Xu Jian, Huang Jue

The Central Academy of Drama

39 Dong Mian Hua Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100710, China

Tel. 0086 10 64056580

Email: xuebao@chntheatre.edu.cn, zhongxixuebao@gmail.com

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