Drama(Quarterly) No.1 2012(Vol.143)


At the Still Point of the Turning World:

A Note on the Prague Quadrennial in 2011 ………………………… Liu Xinglin

Cecycling the Iron Curtain:

A Discussion of Two Foreign Plays by the People’s Art Theatre… Zhang Qingyan

Three Types of Epistemic Violence in Translations ………………… Chen Zhenjiao

The Dissemination, Research and Influence of Antonin Artaud’s “Theatre of Cruelty” in Chinese Mainland………………………… Han Dexing

From “Death” to “Rebirth”:

Discovery and Interpretation of O’Neill’s Lost Play Exorcism……… Kang Jianbing

Dramatic Situation and Lyricism: A Structural Analysis of Zaju-opera in the Yuan Dynasty with a Deliberationwith Mr. Luodi ………Gao Ziwen

The Phenomenon of the Same Script for both Highbrow and Popular Performances: A Discussion Arisen from the Date of Lotus in the Vat……… Huang Zhenlin

Music, Drama and Dance in the Ming dynasty: The Bell and Drum Administration, the Royal Academy, Registered Musicians and Btothels…………… Liu Shiyi

Theatre Under the Impacts of Commercialization in the Qing Dynasty Guangdong........ Gan Zichao

Local Opera Showcase and the Promotion of Contemporary Performance Arts: A Case Study of the 1st National Local Opera Showcase………………… Wang Xiutao

Three Dimensions of Reception Aesthetics in Film Studies........................... Xu Feng

Development of Film Culture and the Construction of National Image .. Chen Linxia

Diversity in Expression Explored from the Source of Theatre: A Note on 3rd International Meeting of Ancient Drama ……..……… Chen Gang

A Note on Sino-Anglo Musical Performance Workshop…………….. Li Xionghui

Editor-in-Chief                 Liao Xiang Hong

Executive Editor in Chief         Shen Lin

Editor                        Xu Jian, Huang Jue

The Central Academy of Drama  39 Dong Mian Hua Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100710, China

Tel. 0086 10 64056580

Email: xuebao@chntheatre.edu.cn, zhongxixuebao@gmail.com

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