Onthe Classification of Traditional Operas and Levels of Various Operas …… Ma Guojun
AResearch upon Above-Water Performance of the Sanqu
in Yuan and MingDynasties……………………………………………… ZhangFan
DependentConstructing: Studies on Folk Shows in Republic Period……………Wang Ping
Discussionon Chen Mian ………………………………………………………Zhao Jianxin
TheValue of National Drama School in
Chinese Modern DramaHistory ………………………………Duan Xuyi Zhang Yi
On“Natural-Delivering” of Stage Lines
around the Period ofAnti-Japanese War ……………………………………Zhao Xuejun
TheEnglish Translation Study of Chinese Contemporary Plays ………………Cui Xiaoyue
—On the13th Edition of Prague Quadrennial of
Performance Design and Space………………………………………………Liu Xinglin
Problemsand Reforms in the State-Owned Traditional Opera Theaters …………Song Zhen
On Publicity andMarketing Strategies of Theater Performance…………………HeQingqing
——A New Biography ofToilet Paper …………………Oleg Bogayev trans. Wang Lidan
TheStory of Dead Ears……………………………………Oleg Bogayev trans. Wang Lidan