The Department of Theatrology was established in 2019, a trail-blazing academic department specializing in theatre studies to be set up among Chinese art colleges and universities.
The fundamental task of the Department is to systematically nurture experts at theatre studies. It stresses the teaching of theatre studies as a discipline and the research of the theory of this field. In the belief that theatre art is holistic and comprehensive, it focuses on ontological exploration and aesthetic experience, with the theatrical theory by Mr. Tan Peisheng as its theoretical base.
It is open to researchers of postgraduate level and above. Apart from expanding the students’ knowledge of liberal arts and deepen their understanding of ‘humanity’, the Department also adopts the advanced international practice of inspiring them to learn by themselves with initiative.
The goal of the Department is to cultivate academically learned researchers of theatre studies guided by a sound theory structure. More importantly, it values the building of the students’ abilities, the most important of which are their logical thinking and aesthetics. They are expected to be accomplished students of liberal arts, and highly-qualified theatre professionals able to read and write for academic purpose and conduct theoretical research, as well as teacher of this field.