Drama (Bimonthly) No.1 2013(Vol.147)


Drama andMass Enlightenment in the Rural Society of Modern China—A Comparative Study on The New Village Head and River Crossing………… Jiang Ji

Adaptation,Emulation and Integration—on the Development of Modes for the New OperaProductions of the Republic of China…………………………Ai Lizhong

Shuihua(Choui Khoua)’s Theatrical Works before and since The Speech at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art—A Research onShuihua’s Artistic Conceptions before 1949 ………Tang Mengxiao

A Research on Da Guo Cheng, the Ritual Ceremony of Wu’an, “Nuo-nuo the Deity” and “the Three Farming Deities”…………Ma Guojun

On the Folkloric Origin of theArtistic Thoughts in the Traditional Opera of the Song & Yuan Dynasties—theBelief of Retribution as the Core………Dai Feng

Discussion on Chinese Religious Histrionics:

TakingSouthern Fujian “Buddhist Drama” as an Example………………Luo Jing

Selected Discussion on the Characteristics ofthe True Stories as the Material for Bao Gong Plays………………Fu Dixiu

Orientalism with Eastern Participants againstthe Cross-cultural Background —Jackie Chan’s Hollywood Movies as an IndividualCase…………… Chen Linxia

The Image of “Goblins” in the HeterogeneousSpace—on the Aesthetic Narrative of Chinese Fantasy Films………Yuan Wenli

Katrin Brack: All is Possible for the Set…………………………………Liu Xinglin

On theDifferences between Costume in Performance and Costume in Real Life…………ZhaoWeiyue

A Review of the 2012 Annual Conference of theCommittee of Directors, China Theatre Association, and the Directors’ Forum…………………………Yang Shuo

The Journey from “Irrepresentable”to “Representable” :A Comparative Study of Garcia Lorca’s El Público and La Casa de Bernarda Alba…………………Bu Shan

El Público......…………………Federico García Lorcatrans. by Bu Shan

Editor-in-Chief                 Liao Xiang Hong

Executive Editor in Chief         ShenLin

Editor                        Xu Jian, Liu Xiaocun

The CentralAcademy of Drama

39 Dong MianHua Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100710, China

Tel. 0086 1064056580

Email: xuebao@chntheatre.edu.cn,zhongxixuebao@gmail.com

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