Drama(Quarterly) No.1 2007(Vol.123)


Geneses of Chinese Indigenous Operatic Music and Vocal Styles………….  Li Liansheng

A Mistaken Perspective and a Misreading: a Response to

“Su Li’s Do-e’s Tragedy Evidence in Traditional Judicature”……….     Xiang Biao

Elements of Painting in Contemporary Stage Design ………………………….. Liu Xinglin

Cultural Materialism and New Historicism in Theatre Criticism………………. Guo Yuqiong

Punishment and Correction: Repression of Female Subjectivity

and Roles of Marriage in Measure for Measure ………………………………     Li Qiong

Notes on The Seagull ………………………………………………………………      Peng Tao

Questions and Fields of Studies in Chinese Language Theatre

in Southeast Asia…………………………………………………………….             Zou Ning

A Study of Taiwan Commercial Theatre from a Sino-Western

Comparative Perspective ……………………………………………..                 Hu Xingliang

National Spirit in Tian Han’s Dramatic Works in Guilin

during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression……………….   Shen Yan

A Note on the Neologism of “Huaju”……………………………………….       Hu Ningrong

Research on “Revolutionary Model Operas” in the Past Decade………    Li Song

Ernst Toller’s Der deutsche Hinkemann…………………………………………  Sun Bai

Executive Editor in Chief       Shen Lin

Editors                              Huang Jue   Zhao Zhiyong

The Central Academy of Drama

39 Dong Mian Hua Hutong, East District, Beijing 100710, China

Tel. 0086 10 64056580,  0086 10 64013687

Email: xuebao@chntheatre.edu.cn, xijuxuebao@yahoo.com.cn

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