Drama (Bimonthly) No.1 2015(Vol.159)

Drama (Bimonthly)No.1  2015(Vol.159)


Traditional Chinese Opera:  The Artistic Creation from Holographicthinking…………………Ma Guojun

Probing into Performance Venues in Temples ofShangdang County…Wang Luwei

Communication Studies on Traditional Operas’Periodicals in the Republic of China……………ShanYoungjun

Studies on Theaters for Early Modern Plays inlate Qing Dynasty……………ChenLinghong

On the History and the Form of Skits inSoviet Areas………Liu Wenhui

Government-run or Non-government-runInstitute:

On the Features of Guangdong Institute ofDramatic Art Chaired by Ouyang Yuqian

………………………………………Kang Jianbin

Brief Discussions on the High Price ofArtistic Theatrical Performance…Sun Fengyi

On the Qualities of Actors and Actresses inTheater…………Hao Rong

“The Second Circle ”and the Training ofReading Lines…………Yang Xu

Comparative Studies on Artistic Language onStage and Spoken Language in Real Life…………………SunhongHaotian  Xu Ping

Affinities between Bernard Shaw’s Plays andModern Plays…………Xie Jiangnan

Analysis on the Artistic Values of MakingPuppet Characters in Into the Woods……HuWanfeng

Constructing Art Forms and CulturalCreativity:On the Values of Multi-media inContemporary Drama……………………………………………Gu Haihui

On the Function of CNC Puppets inContemporary Drama……Zhang Xu

Reviewing the Fourth Symposium on Directingand Teaching by Chinese Dramatists Association

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