Sponsored by the China Higher educationAlliance of Theatre and hosted by Shandong Arts Academy, the 1stConference of the China Higher Education Alliance of Theatre was held in JinanCity of Shandong Province from Sep.23 to 25. 23 higher education institutionsof theatre participated in the conference.
Mr. WANG Dengfeng, Director of theDepartment of Public Hygiene and Art of the Ministry of Education of China,Prof. XU Xiang, Chair of the China Higher Education Alliance of Theatre andZHANG Zhimin, Principal of Shandong Arts Academy, gave addresses at the openingceremony.
The 1st Conference was themed as‘The Study of the Stanislavski System’. 3 discussions were held at the meeting.Prof. JIANG Tao from the Directing Department and Prof. PENG Tao from theDepartment of Dramatic Literature of the Academy presented their papers.