Experts from the International Theatre Group Management Master Workshop Lectures at the Academy

An international Theatre Management master workshop,hosted by The China Collaborative Innovation Centre For Theatre ArtsManagement, was held in the Academy from June 2 to 5. It is the first time forChina’s theatre circle to invite global experts in theatre management and organizea master class on the subject.

The workshop lasted 4 days. The invited expertsalso gave a series of lectures in the Department of Theatre Management fromJune 3 to 7.

Prof. Joan Channich, Associate-Dean of YaleSchool of Drama, Roger McCann, Director of British NFA International Arts andCulture, Angel Muricia, Deputy-Director of the National Theatre of Spain andLena Lee, Director of the Department of Theatre Management of the Hong KongAcademy for Performing Arts, gave lectures respectively on Copyright Law in theU.S., British Mode of Theatre Management, the Management of Theatre Groups inSpain and Conference Management.




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