National Academy of Drama in Warsaw, Poland Paid a Visit to the Central Academy of Drama and Signed Cooperation Agreement

Teachers and students from National Academy of Drama in Warsaw, Poland paid a visit to the Central Academy of Drama (CAD) on June 21st to 26th. They gave a lecture and held a seminar on Jerzy Grotowski for the students of Department of Drama Literature and held performance training workshop for the undergraduate students of Class 1, 2014 of Department of Acting for five days. Professor Andrzej Strzelecki, president of National Academy of Drama in Warsaw, Poland, signed an agreement of cooperation with the CAD.

The National Academy of Drama in Warsaw is one of the oldest drama schools in Poland and is committed to training students to be future professional actors, directors, and theater critics. The Academy has four departments in total, mainly conducting research, academic forum and discussion of drama education history development, which is closely related with the national academic activities in Poland. The annual production of 4 graduation works and performances in the International Arts Festival was awarded for many times, laid a good foundation for the art development of many students. There are countless graduates working in theaters across the country and some of them began their international performance art career.

Professor Andrzej Strzelecki, the speaker of the performance workshop, is president of the National Academy of Drama in Warsaw and also is the director, actor, screenwriter, film and television screenwriter. In the past 34 years, he has been teaching in the Department of Acting and Directing of the National Academy of Drama in Warsaw, directing drama writing, director, basic performance and vocal music. He is also the graduate tutor. He once held the music workshop in National Theatre School of New Delhi, India and New York Lee Stess Berg Theatre and Film Academy, USA.

Doctor Marek Stefankiewicz, assistant to the speaker of the performance workshop, is a Poland composer and teaches in the National Academy of Drama in Warsaw, Poland and Music & Arts Academy of Maria Curie - Skłodowska University. He is the member of the Poland Film Society and has cooperated with Poland National Grand Theatre and National Radio & Symphony Orchestra, Poland for many years. He is also the composer of many popular songs in Poland.

Tomasz Rodowicz, speaker of “Jerzy Grotowski Work Method”, is a famous director, actor, musician, educator of Poland and once was a historian of philosophy and beekeeper. Born in 1951, he was graduated in the Philosophy & History Department of Warsaw Institute of Technology and was one of founders of First Youth Addiction Treatment Center of Poland. He worked together with Jerzy Grotowski from 1974 to 1979 and was one of the co-founders of “Gardzienice”, the drama practice center. He became the member of “Gardzienice”from 1977 to 2003. He was president of Dance and Theatre Federation in 2004 and became an art director of Lodz Art Factory since 2007. He is also the art director of RETRO/PER/SPECTIVESCHOREA International Theatre Art Festival.

During the 5-day workshop, the physical training by director Tomasz Rodowicz and the vocal music training by Professor Andrzej Strzelecki have brought the students a lot of harvest. Chinese students and Poland students have made a sincere friendship in a short period of 5 days.

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