School of Theatre Arts under MSUAC (Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture) trains students in various professions in the theatrical arts (including acting, directing, playwriting etc.) and simultaneously provides a traditional university education in liberal arts and humanities. Approximately 500 students, qualification-advancement students, and post-graduate students from various countries study at the school.
The school was founded as the department of acting in drama and screen art in 1959 at the State Pedagogical Institute. In 1990 Mongolian University of Culture and Arts was founded and the department became the Faculty of Theatre Arts. In 2010 the faculty became the School of Theatre Arts and started to train not only actors in drama and screen art, but also theatre directors, musical actors, scene designers and play writers. From its foundation until today the school has prepared almost 1000 professional artists with higher education and they still have been the key professionals of human recourse at local and regional theatres.
There are three main professional departments at the school including department of directing and acting, department of speech art, and department of art critique and playwriting. These departments offer various courses of study in acting, directing, and writing for performance as well as courses in design and production which comprise scene, costume, lighting and sound design, technical direction, and management. All of these disciplines interact continuously as the School of Theatre Arts presents an extensive series of productions each year: full-scale works staged in connection with the curriculum, original projects developed and produced in collaboration with local renowned artists and organizations, and staged at annual regional festivals. Our student theatre often runs productions simultaneously. Upon the completion of the full-time Graduate Course at a chosen department the student receives a diploma of the higher education at MSUAC with a Bachelor’s qualification in the applicable specialty in the Arts. The main principle "student-teacher-student" is the major in selection of the pedagogical staff; therefore many teachers are graduates of the school today.
Nowadays the School of Theater Arts (MSUAC) is integrated into the world system of theatrical education. Its partners are theatrical schools of the in London, France, Holland, Germany, China, Korea, and more. Our students have been successfully participated in ATEC festivals since 2009. MSUAC has been ATEC member school since 2013.