Theodoros Terzopoulos

Theodoros Terzopoulos was a renowned director of contemporary Greek drama, he was also the founder of Attis Theatre, and one of initiators of the International Theatre Olympics.

He had directed a series of ancient Greek tragedies in and out of Greece during his early time, including Brecht‘s The Bakery (1977), Brecht‘s Mahagony (1977), Sławomir Mrożek‘s A Happy Event (1978), Jean-Paul Sartre‘s Huis Clos (1980) etc.

After the Attis Theatre has established, his mainly works were ‘The Persians’ (2003), ‘Ajax- The Madness’ (2004), ‘The Last Mask- Fallimento’ (2006), ‘Oedipus the King’ (2006), ‘Kassandra’ (2007).

Professor Terzopoulos has been to our Academy in directing drama works since 2008, including ‘Prometheus Bound’, ‘Antigone’, etc. As our honorary professor, he has been recommended to participating the Overseas Famous Teachers Project.