Christophe Feutrier

Christophe Feutrier was born on Aug. 2, 1964, he was renowned theatre director, writer and translator in France. He has worked as Assistant Director of Bob Wilson, Dieter Dorn, and Thomas Langhoff at Munich Kammerspiele Germany, afterwards he worked at Transform Theater of Henryk Baranowski in Berlin. He did a lot of research work in Russian theatre and published Voyage théâtral:au ceour des Russies, 1998-1998. Later he built a theatre company and in 2015, la Maison de l’Europe et de l’Orient was established in Paris.

Till now, he has directed more than 40 theatre plays, did performances of Molière, Rûmi and Musset with more than 10 kinds of languages, and wrote playscript jointly with Daniil Harms, Rémi De Vos, James Joyce, Bernard-Marie Koltès and Oleget Vladimir Presniakov.

Prof. Feutrier has been to our Academy for the rehearsal of the False Servant (written by Marivaux) for young teachers, this was the premiere performance in China acted in Chinese. And this project was listed into the Training Programme for Young Teachers of our Academy and developed as an incubation project of the Experimental Theatre Troupe.